July 20, 2012

It was 59 degrees when we got up this morning.  We had cereal with a sliced nectarine and some of the blueberries we picked.  Jim downloaded pictures from yesterday afternoon and we got the blog ready to go when we get internet.

We drove down the road to the Au Sable Lighthouse trailhead and walked the 3.2 mile round trip trail.  From the top of the lighthouse we could see how clear the clarity of the Lake Superior water.  After touring the lighthouse we walked part of the way back via the beach.  There are three shipwrecks washed up on the beach that we got to see.  After returning to the Casita, Jim started the generator and downloaded today’s pictures.  We also plugged in the satellite radio to listen to the news about the theatre shooting in Aurora, Colorado.

Jim grilled hamburgers for us tonight and we sat by the sand dune cliff edge again to watch the sun set tonight.  When we were in Oklahoma, Kim and Steve gave us a nice bottle of Andrew Murray Syrah wine.  She told us to drink it at a really pretty and romantic camping spot.  We drank half of it tonight while watching the sunset – the wine was really good..  This is a nice spot to sit and relax.  The sun sinks straight into Lake Superior without any land or trees in between.


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